by sk | Apr 29, 2014 | General Legal Issues
Very simply put, debtors owe money, while creditors are owed money. Of course, the relationship between debtors and creditors is far more complicated than a single, simplified sentence can convey. Numerous regulations have been enacted to protect entities...
by sk | Apr 9, 2014 | General Legal Issues
One of the most fundamental and important questions new business owners must ask themselves is how the business will be structured. While numerous options for legal structures are available for entrepreneurs to choose between, what may be optimal for one entity could...
by sk | Mar 11, 2014 | General Legal Issues
Last month, we wrote a blog post launching a three-part series about the merits and drawbacks of the various legal structures that new business owners have to choose from. We began by examining the pros and cons of the corporation, and in this installment, our...
by sk | Feb 25, 2014 | General Legal Issues
Like embarking on a marriage or moving to a new city, launching a new business is one of life’s greatest and most exciting experiences. If your efforts are successful, you’ll be profiting from a line of work that you love, with the added bonus of being...
by sk | Feb 20, 2014 | General Legal Issues
The business jungle can be difficult to navigate. In the nonstop battery of contracts and paperwork, emails and meetings, sales and purchases, hirings and firings, there are virtually endless opportunities for owners and employees alike to inadvertently damage the...
by sk | Jan 30, 2014 | General Legal Issues
After getting a root canal and waiting in line at the DMV, bankruptcy suffers from one of the worst reputations around. Many people think that when you file for bankruptcy, your financial life is over. It’s a common, stubborn misconception that after...